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“News about the house and the Moselle region”
Endlich wieder frischer Spargel!
Unseren Spargel kaufen wir direkt beim Erzeuger in der Region.
Pizzatage Winter 2018/19
October 31, 2018 → last Wednesday Pizza From November 9th to December 28th there is pizza every Friday in the basement November 09, November 16th, November 23rd, November 30th December 07, December 14zum Beitrag….
The Vineyard Peach is back!
After the big crop failure last year due to chilly temperatures in spring, there is again this autumn the delicious red fruit with the incomparable aroma. As a jam on our breakfast buffet, in the cakezum Beitrag….
Grape harvest on the Moselle has begun!
Due to the warm spring and strong summer, the grape harvest has begun quite early this year on the Moselle. In the steep slate slopes there is still proper manual work, while in the flatter locationszum Beitrag….
“Travel for all” certification
We are proud to announce the certification “Travel for all” up to and including 2021 from the tourism Association Rheinland-Pfalz EV. Have received. “Travel for All” is a new certificate which replacezum Beitrag….